Hybrid event at University of Alberta
Hosted by the Just Movements CreateSpace May 2, 2024-Aug 31, 2024 - M-F - 9:00 am to 12:00 pm MDT This event is a drop-in space for folks who are in some way affiliated with or adjacent to the JustMovements CreateSpace to experience body-doubling pomodoros in order to keep forward momentum on written projects over spring/summer semesters. Again, the focus of this group is writing. Writing is hard and ridiculously easy to avoid under the auspices of needing to read 'just one more thing'. Sometimes it helps to have pals around. If you're on the Paul Silvia train, a second edition of How to Write A Lot (which is a writing book geared for academic audiences) is available through our library here: https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/ualberta/detail.action?docID=5525817 We will run these using the pomodoro technique to support focus (https://www.pomodorotechnique.com/). Let's get proposals done! Let's get papers published! Let's analyze some data! Let's get dissertation drafts going! Let's do that ethics app! Let's go in for that big award! Let's write that grant! Let's do the more isolated parts of our work in adjacency. Event Access Information To attend through Google Meet: Video call link: https://meet.google.com/djx-ndwu-obd Or dial: (CA) +1 226-318-9532 PIN: 438 772 382# More phone numbers: https://tel.meet/djx-ndwu-obd?pin=7000391743221 Presently, Nathan, Christine, Jill, Lisa, Erin R., Sanghyun, and Yeaseul have co-host status in the Google Meet. If you want to be a co-host, please contact nvfawaz (at) ualberta (dot) ca. To attend in person: This hybrid event will be held in the Just Movements CreateSpace Hall 2-131 University of Alberta. If you already have a door code for lab access, then drop in. If not, please confirm with Yeaseul yeaseul (at) ualberta (dot) ca and Sanghyun sanghyu2 (at) ualberta (dot) ca to make sure someone will be in the physical space to work alongside As this is a space committed to disability justice approaches that love and protect disabled lives, To attend in person, you must: 1. not have any respiratory illness symptoms, AND 2. must wear a well-fitted mask and/or have a negative rapid covid test taken that day. For details on the space, including wayfinding and accessibility see http://www.just-movements.com/. If there are additional measures we can take to make this event more accessible to you, please contact nvfawaz (at) ualberta (dot) ca. Attendance: Like all JMCS events, we are prioritizing choice and possibility. Drop in to as little or as much of the write-o-doro camp as you like. Some folks (including the hosts and organizers) will not be able to make every one of these sessions. Some folks will only be able to come for parts of each session. Some folks are on parts of Planet Earth whose timelines don't line up really well with the proposed hours for the group and will be participating asynchronously. Some folks will want the body doubling but will be activated in an adverse way related to the details below. Some peeps will know some other folks who will want to participate. So:
The structure below is a suggestion for the main meeting room (both in Google Meet and live in the lab). There are physical breakout spaces in the JMCS physical lab, and the Google Meet has two opt-in digital breakout rooms for folks to self-select into. Structure: This is a drop in group for students, postdocs, and all who are connected to JMCS directly as kin (past and present) or by association (one degree of connection to JMCS kin with shared axiological fidelities). Suggested standing schedule (all times in MDT): 9:00 - 9:15 - Hello and individual scaling and intention-setting. 9:15 - 10:00 - Pomodoro #1 10:00 - 10:15 - Break 10:15 - 11:00 - Pomodoro #2 11:00 - 11:15 - Break 11:15 - 12:00 - Pomodoro #3 12:00 - 12:15 - Noting individual next steps 12:15 - 12:30 - Celebrating what each attendee got done. Scaling: Opening the work-session, it can help to make a log entry related to belief and/or affect. Scaling example: On a scale of 1-10 where 1 is highly motivated and 10 is highly resistant to the idea of producing written work, I am at a <insert number>. Having this information across time can help with making more accurate predictions related to written productivity. Intention-setting: During pomodoro #1/2/3, I will <insert very specific action that can be completed in 45 minutes>. The key is to pick one focus task per 45 minute segment of work. Note: In the early days the intention may be a bit of data gathering. Intention-setting with data gathering example:
Intention-setting with known productivity example:
Next steps: To support motivation and efficiency, I suggest we close each session with noting the very specific next steps that need to be taken on whatever it was we we working on to seed some intentions for the next writing session on that project. Celebrations: To support motivation and sustainability, I suggest we each note one thing that went really well about the work session along with other desired rites of passage (birthdays, publications, talks, academic milestones, etc. etc.). Wash. Rinse. Repeat. Alright team. Let's do the thing.
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