Hybrid event at University of Alberta
Hosted by the Just Movements CreateSpace February 10, 2023 10:00 am to 12pm. This event will to bring together the culture-crafting sub committee and any interested members of KSR's II & EDI committee, to wonder about the culture crafting agreements we have been developing over the past few months. We are wanting to wonder about the content of the document itself in this session, with plans to hold future sessions on supporting its implementation in different contexts. Please see the email from the II & EDI committee for a link to the document we will be wondering about. To attend through Zoom: https://ualberta-ca.zoom.us/j/97859647055?pwd=eTJpZGRXWmZtaHk2UEZXakFSZVRWZz09 Meeting ID: 978 5964 7055 Passcode: JMCS To attend in person: This hybrid event will be held in the Just Movements CreateSpace Hall 2-131 University of Alberta As this is a space committed to disability justice approaches that love and protect disabled lives, To attend in person, you must: 1. not have any respiratory illness symptoms, AND 2. must wear a well-fitted mask and/or have a negative rapid covid test taken that day. For details on the space, including wayfinding and accessibility see http://www.just-movements.com/ If there are additional measures we can take to make this event more accessible to you, please contact leales (at) ualberta (dot) ca ASAP.
Hybrid event at University of Alberta
Hosted by the Just Movements CreateSpace January 11, 2023 9:30 am to 11am. Optional hang out and chat “open house” until Noon. This event will be a low-structure conversation between four people who have been thinking and wondering a lot about safe sport. All four have big questions and concerns about Canada's current "safe Sport" approach. The event will start with a 5-10 minute context of the problem of unsafe sport and Canada's approach to it. We will then engage in a conversation about each of our major questions, wonderings and concerns about "safe sport as it is currently being approached. A bit about the 4 wonderers: Stephanie Dixon (she/her ; U of Toronto; in person) is researching the experiences of those who have lodged complaints within safe sport frameworks; William Bridel (he/him; U of Calgary; virtual) has done significant research and policy work around 2SLGBTQ+-related harms and (in)equity in sport; Nathan Fawaz (they/them; U of Alberta; virtual) is researching how to create transformational-justice approaches to pedagogy that might address inequity and systemic harms within the Sport, Physical Activity, Recreation and Kinesiology fields; Danielle Peers (they/them; U of Alberta; in person) is deeply interested in abolitionist critiques of policing and punishing our way to safety in sport and beyond. To attend through Zoom: https://ualberta-ca.zoom.us/j/97859647055?pwd=eTJpZGRXWmZtaHk2UEZXakFSZVRWZz09 Meeting ID: 978 5964 7055 Passcode: JMCS To attend in person: This hybrid event will be held in the Just Movemnts CreateSpace Hall 2-131 University of Alberta As this is a space committed to disability justice approaches that love and protect disabled lives, To attend in person, you must: 1. not have any respiratory illness symptoms, AND 2. must wear a well-fitted mask /or have a negative rapid covid test taken that day. For details on the space, including wayfinding and accessibility see http://www.just-movements.com/ If there are additional measures we can take to make his event more accessible to you, please contact peers (at) ualberta (dot) ca ASAP. |
Gathering Styles